It was wonderful to see many of you at
Back to School Night. I hope you enjoyed
your stay in first grade and found the night
informative and also, got a feel of life as a first
grader. As always, please feel free to contact
me with any questions or thoughts you may have.
Some Nuts and Bolts Reminders
Daily Snack - Please send in a little extra snack for the afternoon - our lunch time is 11:30.
The children are often hungry by 2:00.
Birthdays - You may send in a special snack to celebrate your child's "special" day.
First Friday - First Fridays happen the first Friday of each month - please feel free to pop in
between 8:00-8:20 and your first grader will take you on a tour of the work that is on display and share a few things they have been working on. It is an informal time and your child will be the guide as you tour the classroom.
School-to-Home Folders - will be sent home each Thursday and should be returned to school on Friday. Please empty the pocket on the left and return any papers, forms, notes in the pocket on the right.
Sharing... I have a special....
Response after reading 'Owen'
by Kevin Henkes, our author study. 'special' bell from Italy