Sunday, November 20, 2016

 Voyage of the Mayflower - we traveled from England across the Atlantic to America

Design Challenge
Figuring out ways to measure the length of the Mayflower
Using our bodies to measure the length (each of us is about 4 ft long)

Mathematicians at work - using addition and multiplication to measure 90 ft (the length of the Mayflower)

Monday, November 14, 2016

Our Days in First Grade 

Practicing some relaxation and meditation
before diving into Independent Reading Time

"The music is so relaxing, I love meditation."

Feeling the Zen

Sunday, November 6, 2016


What a Spooktacular Halloween day in First Grade !

Ready for our Halloween Parade and some afternoon fun
Painting Pumpkins
Bobbing for apples...

Great team work!
Special TREATS to end our day!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Field Trip to Hammonasset Beach and Nature Center

What a wonderful day we had exploring and learning about the 3 ecosystems...
Salt Marsh - Rocky Shore - Sandy Beach

Learning about the importance of the Salt Marsh
and how it acts as a Filter, Sponge, Grocery Store
(for all the animals that live in Long Island Sound) 
and Nursery

Some friends we saw at the Nature Center
(Turtle, Sea Robin and Ray)



Wednesday, October 12, 2016

On Thursday, we will kick off our year long study of ‘Water’ and the Water Cycle with our first field trip to Hammonasset Beach State Park and the new Nature Center.

We will be learning about and exploring the 3 Shoreline Ecosystems – Rocky Shore, Sandy Beach and Salt Marsh.  This will be the beginning of our travels in first grade as we focus on the book…” A Drop Around the World.” The story, engagingly leads readers around the world following a drop of water – whether as steam or snow, inside a plant or animal, or underground- teaching the wonders and importance of the water cycle.      
Inline image 1

  On Thursday, please send your child to school with the following items:
* a hearty snack
* rain boots or muck boots (with socks)
* shorts or long pants that can tuck into boots
* layers - wear layers that can be taken off if weather warms-up
* jacket
* change of clothes and sneakers (please include socks) packed in
     a plastic bag


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

It was wonderful to see many of you at
Back to School Night. I hope you enjoyed
your stay in first grade and found the night
informative and also, got a feel of life as a first
grader. As always, please feel free to contact 
me with any questions or thoughts you may have.

Some Nuts and Bolts Reminders

Daily Snack - Please send in a little extra snack for the afternoon - our lunch time is 11:30.
The children are often hungry by 2:00.

Birthdays - You may send in a special snack to celebrate your child's "special" day.

First Friday - First Fridays happen the first Friday of each month - please feel free to pop in
between 8:00-8:20 and your first grader will take you on a tour of the work that is on display and share a few things they have been working on. It is an informal time and your child will be the guide as you tour the classroom.

School-to-Home Folders - will be sent home each Thursday and should be returned to school on Friday. Please empty the pocket on the left and return any papers, forms, notes in the pocket on the right.

Sharing... I have a special....
Response after reading 'Owen'
by Kevin Henkes, our author study. 'special' bell from Italy

Sunday, September 18, 2016

First Days in First Grade...

We are off to a great year together!
What a wonderful beginning we have had.

The children have adjusted easily to life as a First Grader
and to their new classroom in the MacLane House. 

Working together as we explore pattern block shapes
(part of our Responsive Classroom...guided discovery
Visiting the Children's Garden
A Monarch caterpillar enjoying our TCS Milkweed plant

Getting to know our classmates...
'Find a Friend BINGO'

Learning about each other

 Reading Workshop...
Independent Reading Time - learning
expectations and building our stamina 

Enjoying picture books before
we begin choosing 'Just Right Books'

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 22, for 'Back to School Night."

5:30 - 6:15 - Meet in the courtyard 
6:15 - 6:50 - Mr. Fixx welcomes families in DeFrancis Gymnasium -
Meet Co-curricular teachers
7:00 - 7:45 - Classroom Visit

If you know you will not be able to make it, please let me know and I will save your packet for you.

Thank you for sharing your WONDERFUL children with me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer reading books...

Seeds, Bees, Butterflies, and More!


In the Trees, Honey Bees

Remember to curl up and enjoy these wonderful books!
Looking forward to a new year with my new "firsties."
See you soon.

Monday, July 11, 2016


Welcome, 1st Graders to Mrs. Treat's blog!
Be sure to visit this blog regularly to read about special happenings in our classroom.

Incoming 1st Grader Charlie S. proudly wears his All-Star badge on Field Day.