First Graders have been busy Mathematicians...
*Learning about Number Sense
*Working with Number Bonds (as you can see,
math pops up during all times in our day)
*Learning addition and subtraction
*Working on addition and subtraction number stories
*Playing Math games for fun and reinforcement of skills

First Graders have been 'Busy Spelling Bees'...
Every 2 weeks they get their 'new' 5 spelling
words and various activities throughout the 2
weeks help them learn to read and spell
their words correctly... "they LOVE spelling!!"

First Graders have been 'Busy Spelling Bees'...
Every 2 weeks they get their 'new' 5 spelling
words and various activities throughout the 2
weeks help them learn to read and spell
their words correctly... "they LOVE spelling!!"

First Graders have been busy readers. They
have been learning about nonfiction
(informational) books...
After learning all the parts of a nonfiction book
(table of contents, heading, bold words, diagram,
caption, and glossary) they are now working in
partnerships researching all about BATS!
Watch out for some "Batty" things in First Grade!

STEAM - What busy workers...
First Graders are learning about Owls
and after doing a 'virtual dissection' of
an owl pellet (on ipads)- not an easy task,
they are now dissecting real owl pellets using
many tools to help them locate a variety of
bones. As they discover bones, they are learning
to identify them and if they are the bones of
a rodent, shrew or bird.
Mrs. Lariviere and I have been so impressed
with their hard work and perseverance.
"Way to go First Graders!"
After learning all the parts of a nonfiction book
(table of contents, heading, bold words, diagram,
caption, and glossary) they are now working in
partnerships researching all about BATS!
Watch out for some "Batty" things in First Grade!

STEAM - What busy workers...
First Graders are learning about Owls
and after doing a 'virtual dissection' of
an owl pellet (on ipads)- not an easy task,
they are now dissecting real owl pellets using
many tools to help them locate a variety of
bones. As they discover bones, they are learning
to identify them and if they are the bones of
a rodent, shrew or bird.
Mrs. Lariviere and I have been so impressed
with their hard work and perseverance.
"Way to go First Graders!"