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Making Words Station - using the game 'Chunks' to make words using onsets and rimes - (tw - eet) |
Word Work -"Contractions" Station - working
with the game 'Contraction Action' - given
the contraction 'didn't' - need to find the
two words that make that contraction.
After filling all the truck wheels they
play 'Memory' using contractions.
Game Station - "Long Vowels" - Reinforcing
our long vowel' sounds by playing
"Long Vowel Bingo"
Game Station - reading short and long
vowel words as we move along the
game board
Sentence Station - working on sentence structure,
handwriting, capitalization, punctuation and
spelling skills. Sentences are then used for
'mixed-up' sentences and 'cut and combine'
Chicks, chicks and more chicks
First Graders got to visit with the
newly hatched Kindergarten chicks.
Hope everyone found a way to celebrate
Memorial Day today..
The children got an early Memorial
Day sharing...
On Friday we learned about a special
great-grandfather that fought in World War II.
The children got to see and feel his
Army uniform that was worn in many
What a wonderful connection also
to our read aloud 'Horrible Harry
Goes to Sea.'
(the students in Miss Mackle's class are
learning about their ancestors and
sharing memorabilia, and
everyone just found out that Ida's
great-great grandmother sailed on
the Titanic - and lived to tell about it.
Miss Mackle decides to take the class
on a riverboat ride) - another tie-in
to our trip on the RiverQuest on Tuesday.
Love the connections these first
graders are making!