Tune Into The Literacy Station In First Grade!
by Charly Weiss and Kate Treat
A first grader's favorite station isn't Nick Jr. or Disney Jr. It's a station right in their own classroom!
The new year brought several new things in first grade, including the start of Literacy Stations!
Literacy Stations are activities and lessons that provide focus on a particular literacy skill.
Each day the students spend time at one station, and then rotate through 5 stations over
the course of 5 days. Here are some examples of Literacy Stations in First Grade:
- Fluency Station
- Sight Word Bingo Station
- Handwriting Station
- Word Sort Station
- Working With Words Station (students work directly with Mrs. Hornyak)
- Teacher Station (students work directly with Mrs. Treat and Mrs. Weiss)
- Lexia station (students work with the reading program Lexia)

2 First Graders practicing fluency by reading a story together.
The story they are practicing has 2 alternating character parts.
The First Graders always love to work with Mrs. Hornyak!
Sight Words make reading easier. Sight Word Bingo is a great way to practice!
The Lexia station allows students to work with the reading program Lexia, where they
can work independently at their own pace.
The Handwriting Station is a great place to practice letter formation.
2 First Graders, at a teacher station practicing reading "Just Right Books," and
making (or as we like to say 'baking') words with the 'vowel - consonant - silent e'
pattern with magnetic letters and baking sheets.
Literacy Stations provide the opportunity for First Graders to grow as readers and
writers every day!
Ask your First Grader how they're enjoying tuning into reading at the Literacy Station!