You Are Now Free To Move About The Iceberg:
The First Graders Take a Plane Trip To Antarctica!
Fasten your seat belts. Please return your penguins to their full and upright locked positions. First Graders are about to land in Antarctica! Our recent plane ride had the First Graders loading a plane bound for Antarctica, the continent they are currently studying. Our fearless pilot and co-pilot led the way, reminding their first grade passengers to buckle up for safety.
Thank you to our brave pilot and co-pilot, who flew our plane to Antarctica!
First Grade Ticket Takers made sure they
collected every ticket, and the First Grade Flight Attendants had a job to make sure every passenger was as comfortable as they could be. This involved passing out snacks and water. After all, it takes a long time to get to ANTARCTICA!
While the First Graders are in Antarctica, they will be learning about the
continent, weather/temperature and emperor penguins!
First Grade Book Clubs
In March, First Graders also participated in Book Clubs. Each Book Club spent a
week reading their book together with a teacher, focusing on the story elements
of characters, setting, problem, and solution. As a culmination, students then
brainstormed ideas for a Book Club special project. Each group decided on an
idea, made lists of items needed and gathered materials to complete their project.
Book Clubs helped bring books "alive" through a puppet show, a play, diorama, a
pop-up book, advertisement poster and special art projects.
The First Graders loved participating in book Clubs
and presenting their projects!