Sunday, September 18, 2016

First Days in First Grade...

We are off to a great year together!
What a wonderful beginning we have had.

The children have adjusted easily to life as a First Grader
and to their new classroom in the MacLane House. 

Working together as we explore pattern block shapes
(part of our Responsive Classroom...guided discovery
Visiting the Children's Garden
A Monarch caterpillar enjoying our TCS Milkweed plant

Getting to know our classmates...
'Find a Friend BINGO'

Learning about each other

 Reading Workshop...
Independent Reading Time - learning
expectations and building our stamina 

Enjoying picture books before
we begin choosing 'Just Right Books'

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 22, for 'Back to School Night."

5:30 - 6:15 - Meet in the courtyard 
6:15 - 6:50 - Mr. Fixx welcomes families in DeFrancis Gymnasium -
Meet Co-curricular teachers
7:00 - 7:45 - Classroom Visit

If you know you will not be able to make it, please let me know and I will save your packet for you.

Thank you for sharing your WONDERFUL children with me.