Saturday, November 4, 2017

Nature, Pumpkins, Math and more...

"Where a Leaf Will Land, Only the Wind Knows..."

In first grade we love to use outdoor education as a way to learn about the world around us. So on a beautiful fall day, we set off on an "Observation Hike" around the TCS campus, where we observed worms, butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, and bees, and even a katydid! The campus was buzzing with life!

The first graders also embarked on a leaf hunt, and collected as many different varieties of leaves as they could find. The students took time to try to identify the different leaves: we had sassafras, red maple, oak, american beech, and more! The students made leaf rubbings, and listened to the story Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. In this book, Lois Ehlert creates a Leaf Man as well as many other animals made entirely of leaves. Leaf Man's eyes are acorns and his mouth is a seed pod. He travels over garden vegetables, past prairie meadows, and over lakes and rivers. As Lois Ehlert repeats in her book, "The Leaf Man goes where the wind blows." The first graders took their gathered leaf collections and created their own animal creations, just as the author did in her book. It took some imagination to discover which leaves looked like chicken's legs, or whale's fins, or fish swimming in the ocean! Come see them in our classrooms when you get a chance!

In October, first graders also dove into pumpkin carving! In STEAM you could find the students carving eyes, noses, and mouths, and even cutting off the top of a pumpkin and scooping out the insides (because it's interesting to discover what's in there)! The students also used pumpkins for math by weighing pumpkins and measuring the circumference. Because it was Halloween, Mrs. Lariviere even concocted a scary witch's brew, complete with a floating eyeball (see picture)!

Inside the classroom, first graders are equally busy. Our current math unit focuses on number bonds, which provide a visual representation of the relationship between a number and the parts that combine to make it. Students are learning how to tell an addition story, and use their stories to make number bonds and addition sentences. As the students explore addition in first grade, they learn how to make sums in many ways. Here are the students figuring out how to make the sum of 10 in different ways.

We are looking forward to a busy November with lots more learning! We will be studying Native Americans and taking a voyage on the Mayflower!

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Nature and Science in First Grade - Bringing the 'outdoors' indoors...

What's in our tank?

First Graders were excited to discover what was in our
classroom tank when they arrived at school.
With peering eyes and whispering voices, they soon spotted
a very tiny larvae on a large green leaf and a very tiny egg.

Can you guess what was in our tank?

First Graders have been great observers as they watch and learn about
Metamorphosis and the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly.
The four stages of the monarch butterfly life cycle are 
the egg, the larvae (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly


Monarch Butterfly

Be sure to ask your child how to tell Male
Monarchs from Female Monarchs.

We have released 3 butterflies and we have 
4 chrysalises in our tanks.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

First Days... in First Grade

Our first day together - 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders
listening to the story First Day Jitters by
Julie Danneberg, read by Ms. Alyson Hill
(3rd grade teacher). 
This has been a long time tradition 
in the MacLane House.
Be sure to ask your child who had the "jitters."
After the story the children enjoyed some "jitter juice"
with an added magic potion (Mrs. Treat's special recipe) 
to help chase those jitters away.

The "magic potion!"

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!
"Jitters, jitters, go away
don't come back another

 Sharing our Summer writing assignment -
"What did you do on your summer vacation?"

 What a great audience...

Everyone enjoyed listening to the many 
adventures and fun things classmates did
over the summer. 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Literacy Stations

Making Words Station - using the game
'Chunks' to make words using
onsets and rimes - (tw - eet)

Word Work -"Contractions" Station - working 
with the game 'Contraction Action' - given 
the contraction 'didn't' - need to find the 
two words that make that contraction. 
After filling all the truck wheels they 
play 'Memory' using contractions.

Game Station - "Long Vowels" - Reinforcing 
our long vowel' sounds by playing 
"Long Vowel Bingo"

Game Station - reading short and long 
vowel words as we move along the
game board

Sentence Station - working on sentence structure, 
handwriting, capitalization, punctuation and
spelling skills. Sentences are then used for 
'mixed-up' sentences and 'cut and combine'

Chicks, chicks and more chicks
First Graders got to visit with the
newly hatched Kindergarten chicks.

Hope everyone found a way to celebrate
Memorial Day today..
The children got an early Memorial
Day sharing...

On Friday we learned about a special
great-grandfather that fought in World War II.
 The children got to see and feel his
Army uniform that was worn in many
What a wonderful connection also 
to our read aloud 'Horrible Harry
Goes to Sea.'
(the students in Miss Mackle's class are
learning about their ancestors and 
sharing memorabilia, and
everyone just found out that Ida's
great-great grandmother sailed on 
the Titanic - and lived to tell about it.
Miss Mackle decides to take the class
on a riverboat ride) - another tie-in 
to our trip on the RiverQuest on Tuesday.
Love the connections these first 
graders are making!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Celebrating the 100th Day of School - Where will "100" steps take us...


"100" licks to celebrate the "100th" day of school

"100" Days in First Grade !!