Saturday, December 8, 2018

First Friday Share









Friday, November 16, 2018

Our days in First Grade...

   First Graders have been busy Mathematicians...
            *Learning about Number Sense
            *Working with Number Bonds (as you can see, 
                math pops up during all times in our day)
            *Learning addition and subtraction
            *Working on addition and subtraction number stories
            *Playing Math games for fun and reinforcement of skills 



First Graders have been 'Busy Spelling Bees'...
Every 2 weeks they get their 'new' 5 spelling 
words and various activities throughout the 2 
weeks help them learn to read and spell 
their words correctly... "they LOVE spelling!!"

First Graders have been busy readers. They 
have been learning about nonfiction 
(informational) books...
After learning all the parts of a nonfiction book
(table of contents, heading, bold words, diagram,
caption, and glossary) they are now working in
partnerships researching all about BATS!
Watch out for some "Batty" things in First Grade!   
STEAM - What busy workers...
First Graders are learning about Owls 
and after doing a 'virtual dissection' of
an owl pellet (on ipads)- not an easy task,
they are now dissecting real owl pellets using
many tools to help them locate a variety of 
bones. As they discover bones, they are learning
to identify them and if they are the bones of
a rodent, shrew or bird.
Mrs. Lariviere and I have been so impressed 
with their hard work and perseverance.
"Way to go First Graders!"




Monday, October 8, 2018

Growing and Changing in First Grade

                                  First Graders... growing and changing...  


Each morning, First Graders greet each other during our daily 
Morning Meeting gathering. They are growing and changing as they 
learn the importance of making 
eye contact with the person they are greeting, 
use a friendly voice
and be aware of their body language.
We have several ways of greeting each other...
*basic handshake greeting, *knock, knock greeting
*high/low greeting and *"What's the News" greeting (a favorite)
Ask your child to share the greetings with you.

                   First Graders are growing and changing as READERS!
        Learning to shop for books each Monday, take responsibility for their 
             book box and our classroom books, learning the routines and 
        expectations of Reading Workshop, building their stamina, and learning 
                       how independent reading time in first grade looks.
              Word Study and Word Work are also part of our Literacy time, 
                         as first graders work on learning digraphs and 
                             work in partnerships doing word sorts.
                                     Author Study... Kevin Henkes
                        First Graders have been enjoying learning about
                       Kevin Henkes and listening to many of his stories.
             After reading, we talk about the stories, identifying similarities
              and differences, the main idea, the characters and we end with 
                              a written response (and illustration).


First Graders grow and change as they explore, play, learn and challenge their 
abilities on the playground.

           What a GREAT beginning to a year full of much growing and changing.



Sunday, May 6, 2018

All Aboard The RiverQuest!

First graders have been hard at work studying the CT River, so last week they traveled to Eagle Landing State Park in Haddam, where they enjoyed a picnic lunch and a boat ride on the RiverQuest. Captain Mark took us on a voyage down the CT River, where the students searched for osprey, hawks, egrets, and eagles. First Graders also saw many amazing sights along the river, such as Gillette's Castle, and learned how important it is to recycle and keep the river clean. It was an amazing day! Mrs. Lariviere, our STEAM teacher, came along with us, and on the boat we all sang a song she helped create about the CT River (see lyrics below)!

 Students used binoculars to look for osprey nests, perched high atop poles and landings

First Graders brought along their CT River Journals, where they sketched and recorded wildlife they spotted, as well as other things they noticed on their journey.

Students learned how to watch the "Fish Finder" to see what 
was underneath the boat!

The First Graders had an amazing day!

The Connecticut River
adapted co-written by Shari Lariviere

So sang the river
As its waters glided low
So sang the river
I have a long long way to go

I am the Connecticut
I travel on down
From the Canadian border
To Long Island Sound

I span five of the six of the New England states
New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Vermont, Connecticut and Maine

So sang the river
As its waters glided low
So sang the river
I have a long long way to go

410 miles I travel along
130 feet is the deepest they found
Some parts of me are only a few inches deep
I’m a large ecosystem a treasure to keep

So sang the river
As its waters glided low
So sang the river
I have a long long way to go